

Elaine Anne (Giberson) Collins 

It's my Mom's Birthday today and although I'm not crazy enough to divulge her age I will say that with the exception of the picture of my Mom and younger brother Ted I had to colourize the rest of them as the pictures were so old colour hadn't been invented yet. Actually I believe some of the earlier ones were originally carved in stone. Now I must run and hidePosted by Picasa


Lapensee Girls - Christmas 1991

X-mas 1991 Posted by Picasa


FYI: Ted is back from Afghanistan

Just thought I'd let you all know Ted is safely back from Afghanistan Posted by Picasa


Pictures of me from 1 day to 14 years

more pictures of me - ages 1 day, 6 months then 1 year - 14 in order. Posted by Picasa

Me ages 1 - 4

Early picture of me from ages 1-4 Posted by Picasa